Ticket Vending Machine RFP
NEORide is seeking proposals for Ticket Vending Machines. The scope of work/specifications is outlined in Section 2 of the Request for Proposals. The successful Proposer shall meet the terms and conditions set forth in this document and all other attachments.
The RFP, which includes the procurement schedule, may be obtained by downloading the document from NEORIDE’s website found at www.neoride.org. All questions should be directed to:
One Park Centre Drive, Suite 300, Wadsworth, OH 44281
E-mail: katherinec@neoride.org
All proposals must be received on or before March 24th at 3:00PM (EST) at the address or email listed above.
The right is reserved to accept any proposal/bid or any part or parts thereof or to reject any and all proposals/bids. Acceptance of any proposal/bid is subject to concurrence by the Ohio Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation.
Any contract resulting from these proposals is subject to financial assistance contract between NEORide, its partner agencies, the United States Department of Transportation, and the Ohio Department of Transportation.
NEORide hereby notifies all proposers that, regarding any contract entered into pursuant to this RFP, advertisement or solicitation, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response and will not be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin in consideration for an award.
The RFP had some discrepancies on the procurement timeline. This is the final procurement timeline.
RFP available: Wednesday, February 15,2023
Deadline for questions and clarifications: Friday, March 3,2023
Deadline for responses to questions and clarifications: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Proposal due date and time: Friday March 24,2023 by 3:00PM
Proposal due date has been extended to Friday, April 7 by 3:00 PM (EST)